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The True Cost of Outdated Technology

Why Replace Your Old IT Equipment When it comes to your business (or home, for that matter), watching expenses is crucial. Each and every cost needs to be understood, dissected and thought through. We’ve come to understand that IT is a necessary expense, but do you really know what you are paying for? Are you Continue Reading

Best Practices for Safe Password Storage

The Need for Safe Password Storage You wouldn’t leave your car keys taped to the side of your car, or your house keys hanging from the lock. So why tape them to your computer screen or laptop for all the world to see? Anyone with access to the computer, whether a friend, family member, or Continue Reading

How To Choose An Internet Service Provider

  Things to Consider Before Selecting an Internet Service Provider When it comes to selecting an ISP (internet service provider) for your business or home, your options can be overwhelming. Choices in connection type like cable, DSL, or fiber, as well as the company providing the service all need to be carefully thought through. Once Continue Reading

cryptowall and what you need to know

How Cryptowall Can Destroy Your Data in Seconds

Whether you run a business or own a personal computer, Cryptowall ransomware can destroy the computer files you rely on every day, with just one click of your mouse.  If you have been following us on our website, through our social media or in our newsletters, you have undoubtedly heard about Cryptowall.  Formerly known as CryptoLocker, it is a Continue Reading

Make your phone pay

Countless times, I’ve managed to leave my wallet at home. Or my debit cards. Or my kids. (that only happened once, and I did go back for them – honest) But rarely have I left my smartphone. Some of you can probably sympathize with that feeling of not knowing where your phone is. It’s an Continue Reading


5 Tech Resolutions for the New Year

In addition to your personal New Year’s Resolutions for 2015, be sure to also set goals for your computer systems to avoid issues and reduce stress. Here is a checklist to get you started. Share it with your friends & co-workers, or print it here: 5 Tech Resolutions for the New Year. BACK UP IMPORTANT DATA Continue Reading

The Importance of Electronics Recycling

Admittedly, I was slow to adopt recycling. It really took my children to convince me of the benefits to recycling, both environmental and financial. My town offers free pickup of recyclables, and with the contracted company providing “zero-sort” recycling it’s pretty simple. Everything that’s classified as “recyclable” gets tossed in a container and put at Continue Reading

Return of the Microsoft Windows® Start Menu

Microsoft Windows has been the mainstay of computer operating systems, thanks to intuitive design and genius marketing. The operating system is the software that runs your computer, allowing hardware like mice, keyboards and printers to interact with your computer. It provides the GUI (graphical user interface) so that you can run applications, browse the web Continue Reading

The Connected Home

For some time now, experts have been touting the next great breakthrough in technology. No, it’s not a robot to do your dishes, walk the dog or drive you to work. Technology is getting less expensive, more advanced and finding its way into the home in many new ways. “Smart home” has been coined to Continue Reading