IT Security Suite
Bundle your security needs with our integrated cloud-based service that analyzes traffic across all major threat vectors. Get solid protection against phishing threats and social engineering. Back up critical information with the fully managed and monitored Zinc™ Remote Backup.
Network Security
Discover the benefits of BizGuard™ Managed IT Services – our 24/7 remote monitoring system that oversees your critical IT systems and instantly alerts you of any potential issue. Enjoy real help from regular on-site visits and expert help-desk support.
Security Awareness Training
Empower your team with our innovative security awareness training program. Partnering with KnowBe4, the leading authority in this field, our innovative combination of web-based training and simulated phishing attacks prepares your team to identify vulnerabilities and prevent attacks.
Protect Your Network
Few crises are more devastating to a business than a data breach. Contemporary hackers are no longer riffraff lounging in their parents' basement. On the contrary, today's cyber criminals are tech-savvy and shrewd. They target your weaknesses and destroy your network from the inside-out. Such invasions not only cause immense frustration, lost time, and expense, but they also damage your reputation and destroy customer confidence forever.

Considering the massive amount of destruction these cyber criminals inflict, investing in comprehensive protection is a necessity. But where do you start? The technological whirlwind of choosing the right software, monitoring systems, and even the decision to insource or outsource help is enough to make anyone spin. Wouldn't you rather just do what you do best and not have to worry?
Burgess Technology Services understands the plight of modern businesses. We offer extensive solutions that best fit your needs. Utilizing a combination of the latest developments, we collaborate with you to analyze your specific network, diagnose vulnerabilities, and find custom solutions. From 24/7 monitoring, risk-scanning, and data backup, to our proven training methods, we match you with the ideal protection strategy. Whether you need a bundled plan and a comprehensive system or just a singular service, we come alongside you to find what's right for you.
Don't leave yourself open to dangerous attacks. Safeguard your business today.
Listen to Tamara Lilly and Burgess Technology Services' owner, Mike Dorr, discuss our training methods on the "IT Sucks" podcast.