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hiking boots close-up. girl tourist steps on a log

Using Technology to Disconnect

If these last two months have left you ready to leave your Microsoft Teams for good or feeling Zoom-fatigued– you’re not alone. For most of us, no matter what age, social distancing has increased our screen-time drastically. While screen-time and technology are not inherently bad, too much of it can leave us feeling less than Continue Reading


Work From Home and Microsoft Office 365

As so many businesses transition their employees to “WFH” (work from home) status, we thought it would be timely to ask a couple of our technology professionals to share thoughts on what we consider to be the best tool for remote working with efficiency and collaboration.   Network Engineer Ben Weston offered the following. “Microsoft Office Continue Reading

IT Security Suite

IT Security Suite

Businesses today encompass multiple devices, multiple points of entry and multiple employees. Stopping advanced threats from reaching your devices, data and users requires a layered defense. Our IT Security Suite provides your business with solid protection against phishing threats and social engineering, through integrated cloud-based services that analyze traffic across all of the major threat Continue Reading


Password Best Practices & Benefits of Two Factor Authentication

Let’s be honest. Passwords can be daunting, especially when it seems like every system has different requirements. Special characters, varying lengths, mixture of upper and lower case, numbers, symbols – it’s enough to make anyone dizzy with confusion. Using a few “tricks of the trade” you can learn how to create stronger passwords that keep Continue Reading

data loss

Data Loss, Encryption & Disaster Recovery

What is Data Loss? Data loss is a topic that many people don’t like to think about and often don’t – until it’s too late. Data loss can be as “simple” as a corrupt Microsoft Word document that can no longer be opened. This may be fine if it’s an old college term paper that Continue Reading

hybrid IT services Coworking diagnosing server hardware

Hybrid IT Services

Hybrid IT Services Some clients rely on BTS for all their IT needs, from network design & implementation to help desk services to on-going maintenance & monitoring. Others may utilize an in-house IT person but still look to BTS for services that their IT person can’t provide. We tend to refer to this as “hybrid” Continue Reading

old computer on a desk

The Cost of Old IT Equipment

When it comes to your business, watching expenses is crucial. Each and every cost needs to be understood and assessed regularly. In today’s world, we know that IT is a necessary expense, but there’s a hidden cost many businesses may overlook – the cost of using old IT. When I meet with a client, it’s Continue Reading

business class firewall

Having a Business Class Firewall is Critical to Business IT Security

Businesses today rely on internet connections to perform vital daily operations. Business owners and executives need to ensure their internal networks are protected from the many external threats that exist. The first line of defense is knowing when it’s okay to use a router and when a business class firewall is needed. When I am Continue Reading

inbox email scams

Email Scams and Security Awareness Training

Early on, email scams were simple. You may receive an email saying something to the effect of “your long, lost rich uncle who lived in another country passed away and you needed to send your bank information to receive an inheritance.” The emails contained numerous spelling and grammar mistakes and the email composer didn’t speak Continue Reading