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Virtual Reality is Now a Reality

  Virtual Reality More of a Reality For as long as virtual reality has been around, it’s had technological limitations. Sci-fi movies and television portray it to be life-like, allowing the user to immerse themselves in futuristic scenes or operate seemingly tangible objects with ease. However, when you get back to “reality”, you might be Continue Reading

Computer Network: 10 Things You Should Know About Yours

A computer network is made up of many different components. Servers, network switches, workstations, laptops, mobile devices, battery backups, the list goes on and on.  When you add in cloud solutions such as online backups, file storage and domain names, it can be overwhelming for business owners to keep track of everything.  That’s why I’ve Continue Reading

Innovations in Physical Security Technology

What is Physical Security? I hate keys. This is largely due to the fact that I lose things far too often. Keys are small, get lodged in the far recesses of my pockets, and are usually on my bedroom dresser instead of in my hand when I get to the office. Yet it’s important to Continue Reading

Closeup of Computer Screen With Favicon and Address Bar

Web Browsers 101

The Evolution of Web Browsers When I first started using the internet, there were very few choices for web browsers. Netscape Navigator was popular in the mid 90’s, as was Internet Explorer. Webpages were very simple, and the browsers job not too complex. Online shopping was in its infancy, and at a very basic level. Continue Reading

Top 5 Features for Smartphone Security

  Minor and Major Smartphone Security Concerns For many, a smartphone is a precious object. You care for it, protect it, worry when you don’t know where it is, and perhaps spend a small fortune on cases and screen protectors. Having it near you is essential, and can lead to a compulsive habit of checking Continue Reading

AAEH Security Threat – What You Need to Know

What exactly is AAEH? Today, the US-Cert (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) released a security alert concerning the AAEH security threat. AAEH is a group of malicious software downloads that exists in many different forms, all designed to wreak havoc on computers and networks.  It may be a “password stealer” that records your passwords as you perform online banking, Continue Reading

Web Content Filtering

Benefits of Web Content Filtering

Web-based threats are more prevalent today than we have ever seen before and finding ways to eliminate those threats are on the forefront of organizations everywhere.  Dangers like drive-by malware downloads, such as CryptoLocker, are becoming more sophisticated and targeted as hackers refine their activities in search of greater financial gain.  Well-meaning users accidently browsing Continue Reading

How Search Engines Work For You

The History of Search Engines When the internet was first developed, navigating your way around was somewhat cumbersome. If you knew the website you wanted to get to, then you were good to go. But if you were searching for a website, and didn’t know the address, things got difficult. Along came the search engine. Search Continue Reading

Digital Currency: The Future of Money?

Understanding Digital Currency Currency, in one form or another, has been around for many centuries. Coin, paper, even beads or other materials of trade would be used to pay for goods and services. Today, paper money and coin are being increasingly replaced with electronic forms of payment. I know my debit card is the most Continue Reading