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No Deal for Ransomware Hackers Thanks to Cloud Backup

A dental practice hit by CryptoLocker avoided paying ransom for its data by restoring sensitive patient records from a cloud backup. Cyber-crime is relentless and devastating, costing U.S. businesses in excess of $100 billion each year.  An increasingly common tactic employed by cyber-criminals is to steal and encrypt business data, then demand ransom for the Continue Reading


Cloudy with a chance of hacking

Straight Tech is published regularly in The Coastal Journal The IT industry continues to evolve rapidly, with new technologies and solutions emerging at every turn. Right now, cloud computing is a buzzword, and I am often asked, “What is it?” and “Is it secure?” With the recent exposure of provocative photos featuring well-known celebrities, the Continue Reading


What Data Should Businesses back up?

Whether it is a natural disaster, theft, fire, equipment failure, viruses or user error, the threats to your business are ever present. Protect your data by choosing a reliable backup solution. Test your backups on a regular basis to ensure that they are working properly and can be used successfully if needed. Also be sure to Continue Reading


A Review of Office 365

Why Office 365 If you own or operate a business, you know firsthand that people, communication & information are three major aspects of daily operations. When they all operate harmoniously, it benefits everyone involved in a way that isn’t possible when one of them is disjointed. As a leading technology partner in Midcoast Maine, we continually review Continue Reading

server 2003

Still using Microsoft Server 2003? Read this!

The Problem Microsoft has announced that they are ending support for Server 2003 in July, 2015.  This means that as of this date, Microsoft will stop releasing security updates and non-security hotfixes for any servers running Server 2003, leaving your systems vulnerable to possible security attacks and without support for mission-critical systems. The reason for the Continue Reading

Support Ended for Windows XP

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. If you are still running Windows XP, you will no longer receive any new security updates or non-security hotfixes.  However, it’s not too late to do something about this.  We highly recommend that anyone running Windows XP migrate to a newer version of Windows that Continue Reading

male hands working with laptop computer

Designing, Upgrading or Replacing a Network – What to Consider

In designing, upgrading or replacing a network, there are multiple options and combinations that can be used. The choice can depend on several factors, including an organization’s requirements, budget and other considerations. Below we’ve provided a brief overview of 3 different network options, along with some advantages and disadvantages of each. A. Network is all Continue Reading

internet explorer vulnerability

Microsoft Warning for Internet Explorer Users

Over the weekend, Microsoft issued a security advisory to inform users of a vulnerability found in their popular browser, Internet Explorer.  The vulnerability leaves end users open to being “hacked” when visiting certain websites. (Please note: if you are using Firefox or Google Chrome, you are not affected by this) “The cybercriminals are using a malicious link Continue Reading

Your Business and HeartBleed – What to Know

The recent media coverage of the HeartBleed vulnerability has caused legitimate concerns by our clients. Now that we have clearer information on the HeartBleed vulnerability, we are recommending businesses perform a series of basic steps to identify and correct any potential risks; External Vulnerability – we recommend external vulnerability tests be performed, specifically testing for the Continue Reading