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Website Hacking: Make it Harder for the Hackers

Website Hacking and Your Business In business, a website is one of the most important tools for commerce. Websites represent the company, and are an important part of marketing. Websites allow visitors to see valuable details such as business hours, contact information and even purchase products or services. Unfortunately, like street signs or billboard advertising, Continue Reading

Cloud Migration Checklist for Business

Any business that uses technology has heard of the cloud, and about the advantages of cloud computing. Reliability, performance, and anywhere access to information are some of the many benefits the cloud has to offer. However, getting “on” the cloud is no small feat, and needs a carefully designed and well thought out plan to Continue Reading

Login. Username and Password on Computer Screen

The importance of account recovery options

Got a new device on your holiday wish list? Hoping for a new computer this year? You remember all your online account passwords right? It might seem like a silly question, especially while you’re captivated by the coolness of a new toy. Many of us overlook that our devices save passwords, which means we aren’t Continue Reading

business security vendor management

Computer Security: Best Practices for Businesses

Safe Computing is the first line of defense in Computer Security At Burgess Computer, we understand that computer security is a top priority in today’s world.  We regularly host computer security workshops. Today, we’d like to share that information with you. Included in this article you will learn: A series of best computer security practices Continue Reading

Social Engineering on the Mechanism of Metal Gears.

Social Engineering, Spear Phishing and Cyber Security

Understanding Social Engineering Cyber security is constantly in the news, with stories of businesses and consumers being targeted and affected. Hackers are sophisticated, and in many cases backed by government or criminal enterprises in an attempt to steal national or trade secrets. In the digital realm, a successful defense one day may not work the Continue Reading

Getting scammed online

Protect Against Online Scams This Holiday Season

Online Scams I come from a very large family, the youngest of 8. When we are not together for the holidays, I enjoy calling my family members to wish them well. This Thanksgiving, when I called one of my sisters, I quickly realized that this holiday tradition may have just saved her one of the many online Continue Reading

Smartphones – the new Swiss Army knife?

Cell phones have evolved from a simple communication device to a multipurpose tool. For many of us, the thought of leaving home without our smart device is unthinkable. Between using the camera, invoking navigation, or looking up the closest burrito joint, going through your daily grind without your trusted companion would be difficult! Over the Continue Reading

Affordable Rural High Speed Internet

Early Rural Internet Options It was 1999, and dial up was my only means of connection to the internet. I lived in Woolwich, within yards of where I do now. Cable internet ran down the highway, but that was miles from where I was located. The town had an agreement with the local cable company Continue Reading

Email Etiquette in the Digital Age

The abundant inbox I received 85 emails yesterday. Of those, 19 were marketing related. 14 were automated notifications. The rest I considered legitimate, need-to-be-dealt-with emails. Or were they? Taking a closer look, many were just messages where I was copied, needing no action on my part. Some were sent to a large distribution group I’m Continue Reading