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credit union data center

Data Center Benefits

At one point or another, every organization is faced with aging computer network software and equipment. We often work with businesses to evaluate the current IT infrastructure compared to the current and future needs of the company.  We ask questions such as: Is cloud technology currently being used for software applications, email, file storage or data Continue Reading

texting scam

New Texting Scam to Watch Out For

Do you use 2-factor authentication to log into your online accounts? There is a new texting scam to watch out for if you use 2-factor authentication.  2-factor authentication is when the account you are logging into sends you a text message with a code that you must enter along with your username and password to log Continue Reading

Dash Button Tech: Amazon pioneers automated ordering

  Traditional stockpiling I hate running out of paper towels. And coffee. Toilet paper? Don’t even get me started. Fortunately, my fiancé is vigilant about making sure we have enough stockpiles of the essentials. In fact, I think we could wake up to coffee for the next 3 years without much trouble. And as far Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence Already Commonplace

Sci-Fi Becomes Reality From the dawn of computing, programmers have been trying to make computers smarter than us. Traditionally, this was done by programming an application to mimic human thought. Over time, this programming evolved into artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI for short) is simply the development of computer systems capable of human-like thought, reasoning, Continue Reading

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Burgess Computer to become Burgess Technology Services

In 1985, Ronald Reagan was president, Huey Lewis & the News were chart-toppers, and Cheers was one of the top-rated shows on television. Rubik’s Cube was the game of the moment, and people of all ages bobbed their heads as they listened to their Walkman. Stirrup pants and shoulder pads were trés chic, and the Continue Reading

Top 8 Reasons For Your Slow Computer

I recently worked on an extremely slow computer. Starting it up took forever, and once I logged in I had to wait several minutes before any programs would open. Even after the program was open, maneuvering around was dreadful. When I mentioned the them how frustrating it must be working on the computer, they explained Continue Reading

email security

Email “Invoice Copy” or “FW: Invoice Copy” contains malicious virus

There is a malicious virus circulating again through email. This email has a terrible virus attached – please never open unsolicited emails and NEVER open attachments you are not expecting (even from someone you know). The email contains a .ZIP file attachment and should be deleted immediately. Opening the email attachment will lock and encrypt Continue Reading

Lithium ion batteries: Why hoverboards catch on fire

Fun vs. Safety There’s nothing quite like riding a hoverboard. The wind in your hair. The thrill of swerving down the sidewalk. The warmth of your feet as the battery catches fire and explodes. Hoverboards were all the rage this past holiday season, but immediately cast under questionable light when reports of flaming boards came Continue Reading

Tips for Upgrading to Windows 10 ™

Taking the Leap Maybe you’ve already made the jump to Windows 10, or perhaps you haven’t dared to click the “upgrade now” button. If you fall into the latter category, and are leery of upgrading to Windows 10, perhaps you should consider that Microsoft’s latest operating system has already proven to be a worthy replacement Continue Reading