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Web Content Filtering

Benefits of Web Content Filtering

Web-based threats are more prevalent today than we have ever seen before and finding ways to eliminate those threats are on the forefront of organizations everywhere.  Dangers like drive-by malware downloads, such as CryptoLocker, are becoming more sophisticated and targeted as hackers refine their activities in search of greater financial gain.  Well-meaning users accidently browsing Continue Reading

How Search Engines Work For You

The History of Search Engines When the internet was first developed, navigating your way around was somewhat cumbersome. If you knew the website you wanted to get to, then you were good to go. But if you were searching for a website, and didn’t know the address, things got difficult. Along came the search engine. Search Continue Reading

Digital Currency: The Future of Money?

Understanding Digital Currency Currency, in one form or another, has been around for many centuries. Coin, paper, even beads or other materials of trade would be used to pay for goods and services. Today, paper money and coin are being increasingly replaced with electronic forms of payment. I know my debit card is the most Continue Reading

penetration testing

Data Protection for Laptop & Mobile Devices

In the recent news, we read about a UMaine professor whose laptop was stolen from a checked suitcase while he was traveling. The laptop contained personal information of hundreds of  current and former UMaine students, including social security numbers, phone numbers and email addresses. The university had a security policy in place that should have prohibited this Continue Reading

Cloud Storage: Make Your Life Easier and More Productive

Cloud Storage Perfect Tool For Lives On the Go Sometimes I feel like I’m always on the go. Getting the kids on the bus, getting to work, driving to a client’s office – there are many days I don’t even stop for lunch. I’m not complaining, I love being busy and accomplishing my tasks. But Continue Reading

Best Practices for Removing “Bloatware”

Is your PC feeling bloated? Bloatware. In geek speak, this refers to the useless software that comes preloaded on your computer or other device. Also known as junkware, crapware, or just plain useless – it usually serves little or no purpose other than slowing your device down, and taking up space. At its worse, it Continue Reading

Smart Car Tech and Security

Smart Cars and Hacking Imagine getting in your car one morning on your way to work. You turn the ignition key on to start it, just as you normally would any day. Instead of hearing the engine cranking, the LCD display on the dash flashes a warning “Your car has been encrypted. Please pay $500 Continue Reading

Voice Recognition and Your Privacy

Are Your Voice Recognition Devices Eavesdropping? Do you ever get the feeling that someone’s watching….or listening? If you have a smartphone, smart TV, or any number of “smart” gadgets – it just might be eavesdropping. Samsung was recently the center of attention with regard to their voice recognition software. Apparently, someone went through the trouble Continue Reading

Net Neutrality: The Internet as Public Utility

Everyone’s Talking About Net Neutrality Everyone from tech boardrooms to news rooms to the head of the FCC are tossing about the phrase Net Neutrality of late. But what does it refer to? The nation’s use of internet access, for both commerce and entertainment, has grown enormously over the past decade. In most businesses, there Continue Reading