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Business Technology Relocation Checklist

Moving can be one of the most stressful undertakings you ever experience. Moving a business creates its own set of challenges, not the least of which is technology. Phone systems, computers, and data access are fundamental to operating a business. Overlooking these details can create havoc, and cost money. Taking a structured, logical approach early Continue Reading

Essential steps to basic PC repair

The Necessity of PC Repair We can all agree that having a computer problem is frustrating. Whether it’s acting slow, freezing up or just plain broken, when an essential tool is damaged, it’s a major inconvenience. Computer PC Repair can range from simple maintenance tasks to a complete overhaul of the system. Every scenario is Continue Reading

Tips for Beating Malware

What Is Malware? Malware. It’s the new dirty word and it’s costing individuals and businesses time, money, and frustration. Malware, which is short for malicious software, is defined as any software designed to crash, disrupt, or otherwise cause undesired effects on one’s computer system. Essentially, malware is a little program that runs on your computer, Continue Reading

The How And Why of Business Network Analysis

Evaluating a business network Business computer systems are critical to operations. You may rely on them for billing your customers, tracking inventory, even providing services directly to your clients. Keeping your systems in tip top condition takes regular maintenance, annual investments in upgrades, and planning for long term replacement. A network analysis of your current environment Continue Reading

windows 10

Windows 10™ Upgrade – What You Need to Know

Microsoft’s much anticipated computer operating system, Windows 10™, is here – and so far it’s living up to the hype! Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 10 ™, was released on July 29th. It’s a free upgrade for Windows 7 and 8.1 users, making it an attractive proposition. We wanted to take a moment and tell Continue Reading

Data Backup Types Explained

Not all are created equal We all know the importance of backing up data. Viruses, malware, theft and hardware failure can all lead to data loss. Having a data backup will allow you to recover your important files if this should happen. When choosing the type and configuration of your business backup, it’s advantages to use Continue Reading

Moving at the Speed of Technology

30 Years of Technology As Burgess Computer celebrates 30 years of business, I’ve reflected on the significant changes technology has undergone – particularly in my era. I entered the technology field in 1996, although I had been dabbling all through high school previous to that. One of the first topics I studied in college was something Continue Reading

IT Security

Tips for Staying Safe from Hackers

Increasing Information Theft It seems like every day there is a new story about hacking. Data theft is a growing problem, and it’s not going away. As more and more companies collect and store your information online, hackers will target them for fun and profit. Blackmail, advertising and identity theft are just a few reasons Continue Reading

Owners Jeanne Stanton, Matt Rice and Mike Dorr discuss plans to celebrate Burgess Computer’s 30 years in technology service.

Burgess Computer Celebrates 30 Years in Technology

Burgess Computer BATH — Burgess Computer is celebrating 30 years in the technology industry. Originally opened in 1985 as a computer sales and service company, Burgess has diversified as technology has changed over the years. Located at 6 Oak Grove Ave., Burgess is a comprehensive technology firm providing managed IT services, network design and analysis, Continue Reading